Excellent quality service provider
Sojitz Tech-Innovation VIETNAM is constructed with 2 core oriented activities include: Providing Offshore Software Development services in Vietnam with experience built with customers in Japan; and providing Products & Services for the Vietnamese and Japanese customers based on research and application of new technologies like AI, Data and Cloud,…
Sojitz Tech-Innovation Co., Ltd. (formerly Nissho Electronics Co., Ltd.) was established in Japan.
Sojitz Tech-Innovation Vietnam Co., Ltd. (formerly Nissho Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd.) was established in August 2011 as a strategic subsidiary of Sojitz Tech Innovation and has expanded its business operations, focusing on offshore development for Japan.
From 1 November, we changed our name to “Sojitz Tech-Innovation VIETNAM Co., Ltd.” as our parent company “Nissho Electronics” also changed their name to “Sojitz Tech-Innovation Company Limited” on 1 July.